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Whiteboard stickers, DJ Roomba, and waiting for prints

05 Dec 2014

DJ Roomba Reboot

First things first, DJ Roomba’s lights are almost completely soldered. As such we’ve started to reboot active development on DJ Roomba in preparation for EOH. A food tray/party platter for holding snacks as well as an infrared sensor for following preconfigured paths have been discussed at future additions.

Party Platter

  • Will be positioned near the top of DJ roomba (potentially multi layered).
  • To prevent excessive vibration, contact with the speaker might need to be cushioned by high desnsity foam.
  • High walls are preferable to avoid food falling out due to music or roomba movement.

Line Following

To facilitate automated servicing of party guests, we hope to incorporate preconfigured paths that DJ Roomba will move along.

The plan is to use an infrared sensor array to follow the line, perhaps with some ultrasonic sensors to detect if people are getting food from the tray or in the way.

Whiteboard Sticker

When developing all of our projects, we always wished there was an accessible whiteboard to work with in the back room. Furthermore, we figured it’d be nice to be able to place parts directly on it to make measurements and facilitate design. As such we installed some whiteboard sticker decals on tables in the backroom.

Waiting for Prints

We’re almost done with the Food Button. Just waiting for the enclosure to be printed! STAY TUNED!!!!!!!!!

  • Marcell V.C